Welcome to
Ayr: St Quivox Parish Church in Scotland
A message from the Minister
Friends, welcome to 2021!
Whether you are a member of St Quivox, a friend, or are just viewing our web-page…welcome.
What are you looking forward to in the year ahead? That is not a flippant question, or one that flies in the face of everything that is going on all around us? Instead it is a question that gives us the opportunity to see things differently, that acknowledges that these times of trials and sufferings won’t always be with us, and that they don’t have the final word in our lives.
I was reminded of this when I got a text from a couple recently about their wedding later this year. They were simply checking that I was still ok with their plans and that I hadn’t forgotten. There were no questions of whether I thought it would go ahead, or what restrictions might be in place. Instead, we agreed that this would be their last Christmas and New Year as singles and that by the time of the longest day they would be married to one another.
It’s good to look forward, because it gives us a sense of being and ensures that we don’t allow ourselves to be stuck in the past or even the present.
I’m looking forward to this being a year where we grasp once again
the importance of our relationships and connectedness with one another.
When we see the beauty that surrounds us and we once again value
and appreciate everything and everyone that God has brought into our lives;
when we are able to fully join together as a church congregation
and won’t need to take everyone’s name and address when they enter the building;
where visitors will be able to come and go as they please;
where there will be a song in our hearts and an even better one coming out our mouths;
where we will be able to hold and touch one another without a 2m stick separating us;
where conversations will be able to take place and there won’t be a single face covering in sight.
And we once again know that “the greatest of these is love”.
Whatever we are hoping or planning for,
may we do so looking forward in faith in the assurance that all things are in God’s hands.
If you need pastoral support,
I am available on 01292 861641
and at [email protected]
St Quivox Parish Church: Ayr (Church of Scotland) (known as Ayr:St Quivox Parish Church) is a Scottish Charity, SC004906, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)