Welcome to the website of
Ayr: St Quivox Parish Church, in Scotland
Come on in and make yourself at home, because there are plenty of different things on our pages that we want to share with you that will give you a flavour of the rich history of our church and community.
However, we are not stuck in the past as we strive to maintain our Christian heritage and identity and there are plenty of things on the site to let you know what we are doing on a daily and weekly basis, although under the current conditions they are not as much as we are used to doing.
Whilst there is a lot of uncertainty all around us, the one thing that we believe to be true is God’s love for each and every one of us. Not just some but all of us. Therefore, as a Church we try to share that love with all who we come across. Hopefully, you can get a sense of that love as you look through our web page, and perhaps you may even get a sense of it through our online reflections and services.
Whether you do or don’t though, we invite you to come and find out for yourself about the warmth and love that shapes us as the people we want to be. Any normal time that you are in the vicinity of our church on a Sunday morning at 10.30 please come on in and make yourself at home and share in our morning worship. We would love to see you.
As usual if there is anyone from within the church or out with it who would like pastoral support or a chat or any other service please feel free to get in touch.
With every blessing
Ayr: St Quivox Parish Church, in Scotland
Come on in and make yourself at home, because there are plenty of different things on our pages that we want to share with you that will give you a flavour of the rich history of our church and community.
However, we are not stuck in the past as we strive to maintain our Christian heritage and identity and there are plenty of things on the site to let you know what we are doing on a daily and weekly basis, although under the current conditions they are not as much as we are used to doing.
Whilst there is a lot of uncertainty all around us, the one thing that we believe to be true is God’s love for each and every one of us. Not just some but all of us. Therefore, as a Church we try to share that love with all who we come across. Hopefully, you can get a sense of that love as you look through our web page, and perhaps you may even get a sense of it through our online reflections and services.
Whether you do or don’t though, we invite you to come and find out for yourself about the warmth and love that shapes us as the people we want to be. Any normal time that you are in the vicinity of our church on a Sunday morning at 10.30 please come on in and make yourself at home and share in our morning worship. We would love to see you.
As usual if there is anyone from within the church or out with it who would like pastoral support or a chat or any other service please feel free to get in touch.
With every blessing
St Quivox Parish Church: Ayr (Church of Scotland) (known as Ayr:St Quivox Parish Church) is a Scottish Charity, SC004906, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)