Leaving the Best to Last
Consternation! Fortunately I lived near a wine shop!
In John’s gospel we can read the story of Jesus attending a wedding in Cana in Galilee where they ran out of wine!
There are many questions we can ask about this occasion but the story is told by John to convey a message to all his readers.
1. Jesus is concerned with the little things in life as well as the big things. God can sometimes take the ordinary things in life and make them special. He thinks we are all special and he loves us no matter how good or bad we are and he can change ordinary folk into saints.
2. This story also tells us that God never holds back from giving us all and more than we need. The guests were given much more wine than they needed even if the celebrations were to last for a week!
God gives generously!
3. The story also tells us that God always keeps the best he has to give us to the last!
A host would normally serve the good wine first and then after people had consumed the good wine the poorer wine would be used. But at this wedding the good wine was served last as it was the wine Jesus had supplied. Those who acknowledge God as a God who loves and cares for them will always want to respond in worship and service. But let’s not forget that Jesus promised that those who believe in him WILL share in his resurrection life!
The best to the last? You can bet on it!