A Full Church!
As it was Mother's Day it was great to see so many children in Church and they were all able to make their own personal Card for their own Mum's special day.
A Full Church!We were delighted to welcome a large turn-out of the family and friends of the Corrigan Family at the recent Blessing Service in Dalmilling Church. The Rev. Ken Yorke bestowed Blessings on Jack and Harper Corrigan and also Ally Johnston, and Amy Carson. As it was Mother's Day it was great to see so many children in Church and they were all able to make their own personal Card for their own Mum's special day.
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Winners and Losers!![]() Winners and losers! We don't like losers nowadays. Claudio Ranieri soon found that out. Last season he was a god! He was winning regularly. This season things were different! Poor Claudio got the chop. Football club owners don't like losers. They are not profitable! One of the greatest losers of all time was born in Bethlehem and worked in Nazareth. He didn't have a job or wealth and although he had a few friends who came from the Northern Kingdom where he lived they soon deserted him! On one occasion when he came into Jerusalem the people there greeted him but his popularity was short lived! They too turned against him.He was crucified on a cross in the way that criminals were executed. In today's terms he was a loser. Yet today millions of people gather in groups large and small to remember him. They sing about him and say prayers in his name! He passed on to the generations after him a wonderful and surprising thing. He suggested that losing was no bad thing if we gained something much better in the long term. When he was alive he asked, What profit is there in gaining the whole world and losing your own soul? Extended life on earth was not what he was talking about. Rather it was a never ending life. And this never ending life was not something we had to work for.It was a gift.It was for people who were trying to be more like God in forgiving, loving and peace loving. That was it in a nutshell. That kind of thinking is quite alien to many people today. Unselfishness is considered to be weakness. The go-getters concentrate on self and generally ignore the needs of all others. Many people today are sick and tired of the pressures they are forced to work under in the modern treadmill of accountability and the pressure to attain ‘success’. In this season of Lent I suggest it may be good for Christians and all others to slow down and to ask the question, In my struggle for success at home and in the world am I so busy that I am taking no time to be spiritually refreshed? Am I in danger of being so tied up in the things of this world that I am in danger of losing Gods gift of eternal life? We cannot say we haven't been warned! We are very excited to announce that 2 of our groups from the church have managed to secure funding at the latest Ayr North Decides Participatory Budgeting Event!
January 2020
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