Rev. Ken explained to the congregation that in addition to her 30 years as an Elder, Elizabeth has served the Church in many other ways, in the Sunday School and as Editor and Producer of our Quarterly Magazine, in addition to having direct involvement either in front or behind the scenes of all that has been happening down the years, and thanked her for her commitment and dedicated service to the Church, particularly in the Dalmilling neighbourhood area.
Elizabeth Brechany receiving her Elder's Long Service Award from Rev, Kenneth Yorke. it was a proud day on Sunday for Church Elder Elizabeth Brechany when, during the Service in Auchincruive Church, she was presented with a Certificate to honour her 30 years as an Elder of Ayr St. Quivox Parish Church by Interim Moderator Rev. Ken Yorke.
Rev. Ken explained to the congregation that in addition to her 30 years as an Elder, Elizabeth has served the Church in many other ways, in the Sunday School and as Editor and Producer of our Quarterly Magazine, in addition to having direct involvement either in front or behind the scenes of all that has been happening down the years, and thanked her for her commitment and dedicated service to the Church, particularly in the Dalmilling neighbourhood area.
The Ayr St. Quivox Congregation were honoured to receive a welcome visit at Auchincruive from the Moderator of Ayr Presbytery, the Rev. David Gemmell, Minister at Ayr Auld Parish Church. The Moderator brought the good wishes of Ayr Presbytery and the Congregation of his own Church and presented the Rev. Ken Yorke, Interim Moderator and locum Minister at Ayr St. Quivox with a Quaich to mark his visit.
Rev. Gemmell, at last, was able to fulfil a long-held ambition to preach at Auchincruive Church, and he had the opportunity to dedicate a new Lectern Falll which had been designed and crafted by Eileen Williams, Pat Johnson, Margaret McConnell and Katherine Black, all members of The Sewing Corner who meet weekly at Dalmilling Church, and who had worked hard over the past 3 months to produce this dazzling piece, which no doubt, will add a welcome splash of colour and interest to Auchincruive. Rev.Gemmell, illustrated his Sermon with the aid of some thought provoking Projector Slides and encouraged us, although a small Congregation, who were having some success - but probably did not realise it - "to Dream BIG Dreams" and have the courage to reach for the Stars! Over a cup of tea and a slice of Liz's delicious gingerbread, Rev Gemmell said how much he had enjoyed his visit to Auchincruive, and, so did we!! Haste ye back David! |
January 2020
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