Luke 2:11 (p75 pew bible) This very day in David's town your Saviour was born - Christ the Lord!
Jesus birthday isn't like any others. When historical figures who have a day set aside for them, we don't think about them as wee babies. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Robert Burns as a baby, yet every year we celebrate his birthday. We do remember him as an adult though.
However, it is right that we celebrate Jesus as a child. You see, when He was born, shepherds came to honour Him. Later, wise men from the east brought Him gifts. These people would have no idea what Christ would accomplish as an adult. But they were right in doing what they did, because Jesus birth was as remarkable as the resurrection.
Just think about it. God in human form! The Creator of this universe visiting this planet. So we have good reason to celebrate this baby at Christmas. This tiny baby was the One who created His worshippers.
Of course, the story just gets better and better. This baby grows into manhood, lived a perfect life and willingly died for your sins and mine.
Celebrate the baby and trust the Saviour. That's how to make Christmas complete.
5 second prayer. Lord God, help us to remember that when we worship the Child of Bethlehem, we also worship the Man of Calvary.