Have you ever had the experience of buying a new car.
In my car sales days I used to love to see the excitement on the faces of many of my customers when I delivered their brand new car. In the 1960’s many new cars went on to the roads on the first day of January. So the new year was for many a very exciting time. There is something special about a new car, it’s smell, it’s appearance, it’s newness! It is an exciting experience for the new and first owner.
Of course there are other new things that can excite us! A new house. A new pet. A new washing machine! Something different perhaps so something to excite in an often humdrum world.
The New Testament says of Jesus that he can make all things new.
What on earth does that mean? Well, it means that when you listen to and take on board the things that Jesus says and then try to put them into practice you become a new person.
Jesus can lift is out of the humdrum way of life into a life with value and meaning and purpose.
We talk a lot at the start of a new year about weight loss and diets and exercise. Certainly the body needs these things. But the Bible says we are more than body! We are body and spirit and our spirits need exercise just as much as our bodies.
When Christians come together to worship they are participating in spiritual exercise which is refreshing for their spirits. In worship people are reaching out to God and when they do this God embraces them, encourages them, and reveals his love for them. This lifts people from the humdrum and sets them off to face the journey of life with a new confidence and with new hope.
This has been the experience of millions of people down through the years and is the experience of many today.
Jesus can make all things new for us. Don’t just take my word for it. Try it!