Rona's Farewell Tea Party
There was a good number of visitors from Rona's previous Church's who joined in with the congregations of Dalmilling and Auchincruive for her final Services, followed by time together to enjoy a chat over tea and coffee with some lovely home-baking.
This was followed in the afternoon with a farewell Tea Party in the Wilson Hall, Dalmilling with almost 100 members, family and guests attending.
Rona received presentations from the Funday Club,Rev. Derek Peat on behalf of our Project Partner, St. Meddans Church, Troon,and a gift and photo album from her own Congregation. Husband Tom was not forgotten and also received a gift.
Session Clerk Pat Smith and Treasurer Colin Mutch were joined by Rev. Abi Ngunga of Newton Wallacetown Church in paying glowing tributes to Rev.Rona's contribution to our Parish.There were musical contributions from Funday members, Kimberley McGill on violin and Kirsten Woods sang a song specially composed for Rona and played guitar.
Rona responded by saying she felt one half of her didn't want to retire, but the other half did, and that this was an emotional day for all her family. She highlighted her career and thanked everyone who had helped, encouraged and supported her throughout her ministry - especially husband Tom - and was happy to retire knowing there was definite Hope for the future in Ayr St. Quivox Parish Church, and the many friends she was leaving behind.
Enjoy your retirement Rona & Tom.