We may not like to admit it sometimes, but we all want to be loved, cared for and respected. For some that might be Brad Pitt or George Clooney. For others it might be Jennifer Lopez or Nigella Lawson. That human need is part of us, but there is also a spiritual need as well. Some try to fill that need with all sorts of things like work, spiritualism (false gods), hedonistic pursuits and many other things. Whatever your ideal is, it can never hold a candle to Jesus.
He showed such love for us when He left his Father in heaven and came to earth as the baby we celebrate at Christmas.
Then, after living a perfect life, He gave His life as an offering to God on the cross in our place. He took our place because we needed to be rescued from our sin and its death penalty. Wonderfully, 3 days later, God raised Him to life again.
When we say sorry to God and see Jesus' gift of amazing love, He becomes our Saviour, Lord, Teacher and Friend.
In 1 John 3:1 (p305 pew bible) we read, "See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God's children - and so, in fact, we are."
If you are looking for someone to satisfy your inner needs, then the one to go is to Jesus. Jesus loves us so much - more than anyone else possibly could.
Five second prayer. - Jesus, help me to know that only you can satisfy the hunger in my soul.